Storm Henk Causes Severe Damage to Select Studios
On the 2nd January 2024 the UK was hit by Storm Henk. Winds of up to 70mph hit the capital, bringing devastation to areas right across the city. Unfortunately, the storm took no prisoners and Select HQ suffered unthinkable damage.
The strong winds ripped the roof from our building, bringing bricks and debris tumbling and cutting off the power to our studios. Thankfully no one was hurt in the incident, which we are incredibly grateful for. However, despite attempts to cover the roof with a temporary seal, the rain that fell across the following days has meant that our beloved studio space, one that our team have spent years building, has been damaged beyond immediate repair.
We owe a lot of thanks to the on-site security team, the London Fire Brigade and everyone who has offered their help over the past few days. Without them, we could be facing a far worse situation.
Due to the damage sustained, we have been unable to broadcast on our FM frequency since the event. And of course, with the building as it is, we are unable to host live DJs and presenters in our studios. That said, our incredible team have worked hard to ensure that music on 94.4FM has been restored and we are providing you with non-stop music all day long across our DAB platforms, online at and on our app.
We will be running an emergency schedule for the next few days where you can hear shows from the likes of Hussy, Neal Mcclelland, Nora En Pure, Curtis Jay, Melvo Baptiste, Matt Reid, Nu Groove, Lottie Lee, Monotrax, Kodename47, Kuca, Joshua Roberts, Wolfe, Li’Krs, Wh0 & The Select Rewind
We are heartbroken and words cannot express the sense of loss we are feeling after so many years of hard work building what we have at Select HQ, a setup that we are proud of and one which rivals some of the biggest stations in the UK. We will do everything we can to return to live broadcasting and our London FM frequency as soon as possible.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone who has sent their love, kind words and those who have offered their help. This will not stop us and we will return stronger than ever!